Taking care of a newborn has become an essential part of your life because you have a small bundle of joy in your home. What to do now?
Although it is a unique and pleasing experience in your life, you might feel the shortness of knowledge that you should have to provide continuous care and attention for your newborn.
Taking care of a newborn is a different subject to learn from a mother to give the constant rest, care, and sustenance that s/he must need, along with a strong dose of adoration and love.
Essential Tips for Taking Care of a Newborn
We suggest some essential tips for your newborn to take care of properly.
Newborn Needs a Plenty of Rest

For strong and healthy growth, a newborn needs plenty of rest– it might be up to 16-Hours a day.
If your baby is as old as three months or more, s/he can sleep for 6 to eight hours non-stop, but s/he might sleep for 2 to 3-Hours continuously at the beginning.
Some babies are confused about day & night after being born, and some become a little extra alert at night.
For this, you should dim the lights and lower your voice. You should change your baby’s position when s/he is sleeping for a long time in the same place.
Breastfeeding your Baby

When you are going to breastfeed for the first time, you should start in a great place, and you need to turn your baby’s body near you so that you can hold the baby close to your chest.
Make a touch of your nipple to its upper lip and take it near your breast when it opens its mouth wide.
It would help if you were patient with first breastfeeding; it is also a matter of practice. The baby needs 8 to 12 times nursing at first 24 hours of birth.
You should not follow the schedule; as a rule, you might need to care for your baby when it needs.
When the baby gets enough food, it can produce 6 to 8 diapers daily. You should be alert when the baby is awake with wetted-weight diapers.
Taking care of your newborn: Formula feeding

It is your personal decision to choose formula feeding. Some studies have shown that breastfeeding is essential for the healthy growth of your baby.
But some women consider some factors to deciding to breastfeed.
The benefits of formula feeding are; it is easier to understand the quantity you fed your baby and the limit of providing amount, and you need not take a restricted diet.
Diapering Your Infant

If you want to use cloth or diapers to take care of the newborn, then you must be an expert & fast to change it, and it is about 10 times daily.
It would help if you used good brand diapers. If you see rashes, you should talk to a doctor for a proper decision, whether you need to change the brand of diaper or need some ointment for the rashes.
Bathing your newborn

For the earliest weeks, you must be very careful of the sponge bath of the newborn. After the umbilical cord falls, you can bathe your baby regularly, around 2-3 times weekly.
To bathe your baby, you should arrange some supplies, like soap, towels, a new and clean diaper, hot water (three inches of the baby bathtub), etc., so that you can bathe the baby comfortably.
Holding your newborn baby

You might be frightened to see the newborn as small and fragile. You can handle them with some techniques. Your hands should be washed or sanitized before you hold your baby to protect them from infection.
When you hold the baby, you should do so with the support of its head and neck.
You should not shake the baby, even when you play with the baby or are angry with them, and avoid waking the baby up by shaking, tickling their feet, or touching it gently.
Taking Care of a Newborn must be a priority among all other work. We expect that these tips will help to take care of your newborn.
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