Easy Baby Food Recipes for your baby when he reach the six months of age, you can safely introduce solid foods as long as your child is showing signs she is ready and you have already discussed starting solids with your pediatrician. Cooking meals for your baby is easy, fun, and rewarding.
In this article, you’ll find the tools you need to get started, the requisites of food safety, and how to prepare and store baby purees.
You’ll learn all about making large quantities to freeze for later use and how to
make the consistency perfect for your baby at each developmental stage.
How to get Equipped, Armed, and Prepared for your easy baby Food recipes!
If you go into any kitchen supply store, you will find a gadget for everything,
which can add up really quickly if you try to buy it all!
Instead, save your money to purchase the organic food you need and leave the unnecessary
gadgets at the store.
You probably own all the things you need to make food for your baby. Not to mention, too many gadgets can overwhelm your kitchen with clutter, which will only drive you out of it.
Keep your kitchen as serene as possible. Put fresh flowers out on your counter each week and maybe keep a radio or small television handy for the company.
Keep clutter off the counters and leave only the most commonly used practical items at hand.
The first step to getting started making food for your little one is making sure you are
relaxed and ready for this great experience!
If you can’t find what you did with the steaming contraption or your pantry is in chaos and you can’t find the rice cereal, that’s a recipe for a hot mess!

Tools of the Trade that you need to get started making organic baby purees:
Easy Baby Food Recipes : Using Everyday Kitchen Tools
• Large cutting board
• Large chef’s knife
• Small paring knife
• Vegetable peeler
• Wooden spoons
• Measuring cups and spoons
• Baking sheets
• Stockpot
• 2-quart saucepan
• 12-inch nonstick skillet
• Baking dishes
• Mixing bowls
• Cooling rack
• Large pot with a steamer insert or collapsible steamer
• Meat thermometer
• Fine mesh stainless-steel strainer
• Blender or mini food processor
• Food mill
• Ice cube trays
• Plastic wrap
• Freezer bags
• Black permanent marker for labeling
As you can see, making and preparing healthy organic food for your baby
doesn’t require a large investment. You may find that you only need a few
items from the list.
How wonderful is that? Read on to learn about the pieces
of equipment that will truly become indispensable when making organic baby

A steamer basket fits nice and snug in a medium to large pot for steaming small batches
of food. A steamer basket is included in many pots and pans sets. You can also use a rice or
a vegetable steamer if you have one on hand.
The holes in your pasta colander are too large to catch fine seeds and excess fibers that
didn’t get pureed enough for your infant to tolerate, but a strainer will do the trick. A
stainless-steel strainer will resist rust and can last for years.
Any blender or food processor that has a puree function will work perfectly for making
baby food purees. Blenders that have large glass pitchers are best for making large
quantities and transferring hot liquids and food. Be sure that you have enough capacity
for the amount of baby food you intend to make.
Blenders are more practical because they can stay out on your counter, making it easy to whip up baby food without bringing out an extra appliance. A mini food processor is good for grinding up grains for cereals,nuts, or other hard foods.
A handheld blender makes it easy to puree small meals in their own containers. Some also
come with attachable containers that allow them to serve the same function as a mini food
processor as well!
Food mills are great for pureeing foods with skins or husks such as corn, blueberries, and
green beans for young babies. All the food will get mashed, but the indigestible portion
stays on the top.

Ice cube trays are handy for freezing purees into small portions that can be used later.
Once frozen, you pop them out and into storage bags for your freezer.
Each ice cube-sized portion is equivalent to 2 tablespoons or about 1 ounce. The cubes can easily be mixed together, and you can grab as many as you need to make your desired portion.
The best part about using ice cube trays is that they stack, they don’t take up a lot of freezers
space and they are so inexpensive you can buy as many as you need for the amount of
the food you want to make.
Be sure to label and date the storage bags so you know how long your purees have been in the freezer.
How to make baby food at home and other essentials needs
In addition to these items, of course, you’ll need feeding supplies for your little one. Keep
a few bibs, small bowls, and baby spoons handy to start off. As your baby starts to self-
feed, you can upgrade to plates with dividers and forks.
Many stores offer melamine bowls and plates for children. Melamine is not microwave safe, so take care to always heat your baby’s food in a glass dish and transfer the food to your child’s plate.
If your budget allows, invest in a highchair that your baby can use until well after his
first year. The best highchairs are the ones that can be strapped around a dining room
chair so that it doesn’t take up additional space.
Some high chairs make it difficult for a baby to sit at the table in small living quarters, and it’s important that your baby share meals with you and the rest of the family.
This will help establish a healthy eating routine at an early age.
Safe food handling practices are a must for preparing baby purees or any
food that you make. Follow these tips to reduce the risk of contamination and
• Always wash your hands for twenty seconds with warm, soapy water
before and after handling food. Make sure you clean your wrists and
under your nails.
• Frequently clean the areas where you prepare food, including counters,
sinks, faucets, and floors, with an eco-friendly cleaning solution.
• Separate meat and poultry from other food items.
• Wash cutting surfaces with hot soapy water after each use. Cross-
contamination can occur when you place cooked meat or produce on
surfaces contaminated by raw meat.
• Always cook food to proper temperatures. Use a meat thermometer to
make sure meat is completely done.
• Refrigerate your food right away so bacteria cannot grow on the food.
Don’t let the food sit out on the counter!
Following these safety guidelines will ensure the health and safety of your
Easy Baby Food Recipes: Easy Cooking Tips and Tricks for healthy puree
There are many ways to cook purees for your baby. Knowing the pros and cons of your appliances will help you decide which to use to cook food thoroughly. When deciding on a cooking technique, consider the season and the reason.
For example, if it’s cold outside and you’re swamped with things to do, consider baking.
Or, if you planned on making steamed broccoli for the family, you might decide to steam apples or cauliflower for your baby while the pot is already out. The following are commonly used cooking methods for making baby purees.
Baking retains the most nutrients but takes the longest to cook foods until tender, especially potatoes, squash, and meats.
However, while the food is in the oven, you can get other things accomplished around the house. You will bake most things at 350°F, which is the most common temperature used for baking.
Because of the oven’s large capacity, you can bake up to four different
dishes simultaneously, making it easy to prepare a couple months’ worth of food.
For example, you can bake sweet potatoes, squash, apples, and eggplant at the same time. If you have a double oven, you can even double that amount!
Steaming preserves more nutrients and antioxidants than boiling or
microwaving. Therefore, it is a good way to cook fruits and vegetables.
To steam using a pot and steaming basket, simply fill the pot with enough water to reach the bottom of the basket.
Add the food to the basket and turn the burner on medium-high heat. You’ll find that most food cooks quickly using this method. Steam until the fruit or vegetable is pierced easily with a fork.
Microwaving is quick and convenient for cooking many fruits, vegetables, and cereals. With microwave cooking, there are definite space limitations you can only cook small batches. In addition, there’s much controversy swirling around whether this method retains nutrients in food.
Until there’s definitive evidence, it’s up to you to decide, but recent studies have shown that
microwaving does destroy precious antioxidants found in food.
Therefore, just like boiling, use it as a last resort for heating foods used to make baby purees.
If you are going to reheat food, reduce the power to 30 to 50 percent to
reduce hot spots.
Consider these additional warnings when using the microwave. First, never heat up food in plastic dishes that are in plastic wrap or not marked “microwave safe.”
Research has shown that plastic causes toxic chemicals that seep into the food and can cause long-term detrimental effects.
Look on the bottom of a plastic dish to see if it is marked as microwave safe.
If you are unsure, play it safe and don’t use the dish in the microwave. Instead, use a glass dish. Second, never heat up food covered in aluminum foil or leave metal eating utensils in the bowl.
Boiling is the least beneficial cooking method, so turn to it as a last resort.
Studies show that about 50 percent of the nutrients seep into the water during
the cooking process.
Many people don’t know this and pour the remaining nutrient-rich liquid down the drain. Now that you’re equipped with this important knowledge, be sure to incorporate the remaining liquid in your
purees, should you decide to use this cooking method.
There are three types of baby puree consistencies smooth, semi-smooth, and chunky.
A smooth puree is appropriate for babies just starting to eat solids, at around six months of age. Smooth purees are free of bumps, lumps, and fibrous materials.
It is similar to the consistency of plain yogurt or commercial stage 1 baby food. Your blender will achieve this puree with water or other liquids added.
The puree will eventually resemble a whirlpool while being processed, which is a good indicator of a smooth texture.
Semi-smooth consistency
Starchy foods such as potatoes may require lots of added water, while some foods that naturally retain water, like pears, may not need any additional liquid.
Therefore, turn on the puree function first and then gradually add liquid in small quantities at a time to achieve a smooth texture.
The semi-smooth consistency is smooth like yogurt but has small chunks of food here and there to help babies around eight months old learn to chew.
These tiny chunks of soft food can be things like rice, pasta, and diced cooked vegetables. The semi-smooth consistency is comparable to commercial stage 2 baby food.
A good way to achieve a semi-smooth consistency is to add minced pieces of cooked, soft foods to a smooth puree.
The final consistency is chunky:
You can achieve a chunky consistency with less pureeing, or you can also puree to a smooth consistency and then addicted chunks of fruit, vegetables, or pasta back in. A chunky consistency is comparable to commercial stage 3 baby food.
Purchasing these three stages of commercial organic baby food will give you some idea of what the purees are like at each stage. Don’t be afraid to take a taste. After all, it will be a great reminder of why you are making baby food in the first place!
Achieving the Perfect Puree Consistency
With your first few attempts of making purees, it is possible to make simple mistakes like adding too much liquid or not adding enough. If this happens to you, don’t start over. It is not necessary to throw out the food because it is not the right consistency.
• Thinning: If your puree is too thick, try thinning it out by adding cool
boiled water or by using any leftover liquid from steaming or boiling.
You may also use fresh breast milk or formula for an added nutritional
boost. However, if you plan on freezing the puree, don’t add formula or
breast milk.
• Thickening: To thicken purees that are too thin, you can add more cooked
food if you have more, or add infant cereal such as rice or oatmeal.
However, there are other foods that can be used as thickeners such as
mashed potatoes, yogurt, wheat germ, or cottage cheese.
Make sure that whatever you add has already been introduced to your baby and that you
do not freeze these ingredients with the puree. Use these ingredients as
thickeners when you are ready to feed your baby.
It is also important to check the puree to make sure there are no unprocessed chunks.
Some foods are naturally lumpy or grainy, but as long as there are no actual chunks or fibrous material, it should be safe to proceed with feeding.
Perfect Job ! Purees Step by Step
With a little planning, your time shopping and in the kitchen can go to great use, and you’ll be whipping up batches of nutritious organic purees with ease!
Follow these five simple steps for puree success.
Step 1: Schedule Time
The best thought-out plan will result in a hassle- and stress-free chef…you!
Therefore, set the time aside for grocery shopping and making purees for your baby each week, month, or whatever interval you choose. Don’t schedule these tasks on days when you have other things to do or are pressed for time.
Schedule a grocery day and a puree day separately. Shopping for the best foods will be more time-consuming than you think because you will want to find the ripest pear or the freshest bananas.
Therefore, by the time you get home from shopping you may be too exhausted to prep and puree, too. But if you’ve got the energy and ambition, there is no point in putting off for tomorrow what you can do today!
If you have fun friends, invite them over for a puree party! Friends make the
best prep and line cooks, so there’s no point in doing it all by yourself. Make
the time fun and dedicate the time solely for making purees for your baby.
You can Readf Also : Get Equipped For Your Newborn Baby and How to prepare your checklist
Step 2: Go Shopping
Shopping for organic food can be a great outing for everyone to enjoy.
Don’t forget to take your reusable shopping bags to bring home all the
wonderful food you purchase. But how much should you buy?
To make a big batch that will last a month or two, start out with about two pounds of foods that can be cooked and frozen such as sweet potatoes, green beans, squash, etc.
For perishable foods, such as bananas and avocados, purchase a couple initially, and plan to serve those foods fresh. Plan to replenish the perishable foods as soon as they are consumed.
Once you get going, you’ll be able to gauge how much your baby eats and can plan your future shopping trips accordingly.
Step 3: Food Preparation
You might want to tune in to the Food Network or gather your prep cooks
for this step!
Time flies when you’re having fun, so preparing food while
watching Paula Deen or in harmony with your closest friends is a great way to add excitement to cooking.
Here is how you will prepare most fresh fruit and vegetables for pureeing:
1. Wash each food thoroughly. Drain on a clean kitchen towel.
2. Remove all peels, seeds, and cores.
3. Trim ends and all inedible parts (such as stems).
4. Cut into halves or quarters fruit/vegetables that will require steaming.
Leave potatoes and squash in peels for baking or roasting.
Step 4: Cook
Cook everything using your preferred cooking method, taking into account the tips in the previous easy Cooking Techniques.

Step 5: Puree and Freeze
Puree foods one ingredient at a time in a blender. Make sure to thoroughly wash the blender between purees.
Spoon purees into ice cube trays, leaving just a little room near the top for the cube to expand once frozen.
Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for twenty-four hours or until set. Remove cubes from ice cube trays and transfer to freezer-safe bags. Label and freeze for eight to twelve weeks.
Rules for Storing Purees
• Put perishable purees in the refrigerator immediately after cooking or
• Cook and freeze all meat, poultry, and fish before the expiration date on the package.
• Refrigerate uncooked poultry, fish, or meat separately from fruit,
vegetables, or any other raw food to prevent cross-contamination.
• Keep refrigerator set at 40º F or below, and freezer at 0º F.
Freezing and Thawing Homemade Purees
Freezing your baby purees ensures that you’ll have plenty of food for the
coming months.
A little time spent upfront can mean a freezer well stocked with a variety of fruit, vegetables, and meats for up to twelve weeks!
You won’t spend hours in the kitchen each day or even each week.
Just a few hours a month is all you need to prepare a couple of months’ worth of baby food.
To get started, you’ll need several ice cube trays, plastic wrap, freezer bags, and a permanent marker or label.
When your purees have been cooked and cooled, spoon the mixture into the ice cube trays and repeat this process for each type of food.
However, only freeze one type of food per tray. Otherwise,
you may forget what you’ve added.
Recommendations for freezing times to maintain freshness:
• Fruit purees up to eight weeks
• Vegetable purees up to eight weeks
• Meat purees up to twelve weeks
On to Baby Food Recipes!
Now that your kitchen is fully equipped, serene, and safe and now it’s time to put all of
your newfound knowledge into action by experimenting with the following
delicious Easy Baby Food Recipes that your growing baby is sure to gobble up!
Easy Baby Food Recipes: Organic baby Puree (six to seven Months)
newborn baby food recipes- Baby puree ideas and recipes from six months and upper
Apricot Puree

Dried apricots will also work for this recipe. However, fresh is the best. Simmer dried
apricots on the stove in a pot of water for about 8–10 minutes until tender and then puree.
4 medium apricots, pitted
1–2 tablespoons water
- Cut apricots in half lengthwise and combine in a blender with water.
- puree while gradually adding just enough water to reach a smooth consistency.
- Work the pulp through a strong strainer to remove any fibrous materials.
- Freeze fresh apricot puree for up to eight weeks.
Peach puree

If peaches are not in season, buy frozen unsweetened peaches, thaw, and use to puree for
your baby. Purchasing frozen fruit and vegetables is a great way to get produce out of
4 medium peaches, skinned, pitted, and chopped
2–4 tablespoons water
- Put peaches in a medium saucepan and cook over medium-low heat for 5–7 minutes or
until soft.
- Transfer peaches to blender.
- puree while gradually adding just enough water to reach a smooth consistency. Freeze
extra portions for up to eight weeks.
Split Pea puree

Split peas are a great source of protein, fiber, and iron. Combine this puree with mashed
potatoes and add a dab of butter for a more savory meal. While you’re already prepping
those peas, why not make split pea soup for lunch?
½ cup green split peas, picked and rinsed
1 cup water
- Combine split peas and the water in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil.
- Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 30–45 minutes. Reserve liquid.
- Transfer peas to a blender and puree until smooth. Add reserved liquid if necessary.
Pumpkin Patch puree

Canned pumpkin is available all year round and is quick and easy to make—just open the
can and serve. Thin with breast milk for a nutritional boost. Make sure to buy plain
pumpkin with no added spices, sugars, or dairy products.
½ can pure pumpkin (approximately 8 ounces)
Breast milk or water for thinning as needed
- Warm pumpkin in a small saucepan on the stovetop or in a glass dish in the
microwave. Remove.
- Add breast milk or water to thin if desired. Refrigerate remaining portions for up to
three days.
solid food for 6 months baby recipe
Carrot Gold puree

Some vegetables, including carrots, may leak nitrates into the cooking water as they’re
boiled. For this reason, only make this puree for your baby if she is at least seven months
old. As an extra precaution, do not use cooking water when thinning out this puree;
use cooled boiled water instead.
1 cup fresh carrots (2 medium-sized carrots)
¼ cup water
- Wash and peel the carrots. Cut into small pieces.
- Place into a saucepan with enough water to cover the carrots. Bring the water to a boil;
then simmer until the carrots are very tender, 15–20 minutes.
- Drain the carrots and place into a blender or food processor. puree for about 30
Sparkling Pear puree

Pears are very sweet and make a runny consistency when pureed. Pears contain soluble
fiber, which aids in digestion and can help relieve constipation. Boost the nutrition on this
recipe by thickening with rice cereal.
4 medium ripe pears, peeled, cored, and chopped
- Add chopped pears to a medium-sized saucepan.
- Cover and cook on medium-low heat for about 7 minutes, until tender. Stir frequently.
- Transfer the cooked pears to a blender.
- puree to a smooth consistency. Freeze extra portions for up to eight weeks.
Plumtastic puree

When you have more purees in your freezer than you know what to do with, combine them
with yogurt! Yogurt adds a boost of super nutrition with its probiotic qualities. Use a low-
fat yogurt and have a plumtastic snack for yourself!
3 large plums
1 cup organic whole-fat vanilla yogurt
- Peel plums by scoring a cross on the bottom of each fruit.
- Submerge them into boiling water for about 1 minute.
- Peel, cut, and discard the pit. Chop plum into small pieces.
- Steam the plum pieces for a few minutes until soft. If the plums are very ripe and soft,
you will not need to steam. puree in a blender.
- Combine the plum puree with the vanilla yogurt and serve.
- Store the remaining portions in the refrigerator for up to four days.
Eggplant puree

Eggplant is an excellent source of fiber and contains cancer-preventing antioxidants.
Eggplant comes in many purple varieties. You can choose any kind for this recipe.
1 eggplant, peeled and chopped
- Add eggplant to a large pot. Cover with water. Bring to a boil.
- Simmer until tender, about 10–12 minutes. Remove from heat.
- Add eggplant to blender. puree while gradually adding just enough water to achieve a
smooth consistency.
- Freeze remaining portions.
Pumpkin-Parsnip puree

Parsnips may be hard to find in some local grocery stores. Try looking for parsnips at the
farmers’ market or other markets that specialize in fresh produce.
1 small parsnip
4 tablespoons pure canned pumpkin
- Peel parsnip and cut into small slices or chunks.
- Steam parsnip using either a steamer basket or microwave.
- puree parsnip using reserved steaming water to achieve age-appropriate consistency.
- Combine parsnip puree and pumpkin puree.
Apricot-Pear puree
If your baby is having trouble with bowel movements, this is a great puree to turn to pears are filled with fiber and can be used to help alleviate constipation.
2 tablespoons Amazing Apricot puree
2 tablespoons Sparkling Pear puree
Combine all ingredients.
Mango-Pear puree

Give your baby a tiny taste of the tropics with this puree, which features mango paired with pear (for extra fiber)! Make a bunch in advance and freeze for a ray of sunshine on a rainy day.
2 tablespoons Mango Tango
2 tablespoons Sparkling Pear puree
Combine all ingredients.
Peachy Rice puree
When peaches are in season, there’s nothing more decadent. This sweet, smooth cereal gives your baby a taste of the delicious foods she’ll enjoy as she grows up eating your wholesome meals.
2 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified rice cereal (with either breast milk or formula)
2 tablespoons Just Peachy puree
Combine prepared rice cereal and peach puree.
Carrot-Apple Gold puree

Both carrots and apples stem from the earth’s richness. This puree is as good as gold.
1 carrot, peeled and cut into chunks
½ cup Homemade Applesauce
- Steam carrot using either a steamer basket or microwave until soft and tender.
- puree carrot using reserved steaming water to achieve age-appropriate consistency.
- Combine carrot and applesauce.
Sweet Potato Puree Baby Food

This flavorful—and vibrant!—dish is nutritiously rich with antioxidants.
1 carrot
4 tablespoons Simply Sweet Potato
- Peel carrot and cut into small slices or chunks.
- Steam carrot using a steamer basket.
- Transfer carrot to a blender or food processor and puree using reserved steaming water
to achieve a smooth consistency.
- Combine carrot puree with Simply Sweet Potato puree.
Butternut Squash Plus Carrot puree

Take advantage of autumn when both of these vegetables are in season. Don’t forget to
freeze any leftovers to enjoy in the spring!
½ cup butternut squash chunks
2 tablespoons One-Carrot Gold puree
- Steam large butternut squash pieces for 25 minutes to soften and loosen the skin.
When cool enough to handle, remove skin from squash and cut into 2-inch cubes.
- Add squash to blender and puree until desired consistency is reached.
- Combine 2 tablespoons of resulting butternut squash puree with carrot puree and
- Freeze remaining butternut squash for up to eight weeks.
Organic baby Puree (Eight to Nine Months)
pureed Collard Greens

Although collards and other leafy greens contain nitrates, by eight months old your baby
can safely have these leafy greens. Spinach and kale are great substitutes for the collards
in this recipe. Add texture to this puree by adding crumbles of soft cornbread.
4 cups collards, washed and trimmed
2 cups chicken broth or water
2 tablespoons chopped onion
1 garlic clove, pressed
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
- Add collards, broth, onion, and garlic to a medium pot.
- Boil in broth or water for about 15 minutes, or until the vegetables turn a bright green
- Allow greens to cool; then transfer to blender with a slotted spoon. Add olive oil.
- puree while gradually adding water until smooth.
Apple Date puree

Soft and plump dates make this puree a lot easier to process. This recipe requires a few
hours of presoaking, so while you’re waiting on them, make applesauce out of the
remaining apples you have on hand.
¼ cup fresh dates
1 medium apple
Water or breast milk for thinning as needed
- Remove the pits from the dates. Cover with water in a dish, and allow to soak for 3–4
hours, or until they are completely hydrated.
- Peel and core the apple. Cut into pieces and put into a saucepan.
- Cover the apple with water; then bring to a boil. Simmer for 25 minutes or until
completely tender.
- Drain the apple pieces and combine with soaked dates in a food processor or blender.
puree until mixture is smooth, adding water or breast milk as necessary.
Raspberry-Pear Puree

The hue of raspberries adds a splash of color to this dish, which your baby can enjoy any
time of the year.
1 medium apple
½ fresh pear
¼ cup raspberries
Water or breast milk for thinning as needed
- Peel and core the apple, removing all seeds and skin. Cut into pieces and put into a
- Peel and core the pear. Cut into slices and add to the saucepan.
- Wash raspberries and place into the saucepan along with the pear and apple. Cover
with water and bring to a boil.
- Simmer for about 25 minutes, or until the apple and pear are completely tender.
- Put fruit into a food processor or blender. puree until mixture is smooth, adding water
or breast milk as necessary.
- Pour the puree through a fine strainer to remove any seeds.
Simply Chicken Puree

Using chicken or vegetable stock boosts the flavor of this puree. Use this puree in
combination with other purees or serve alone.
4 ounces boneless skinless chicken breast (about one small breast)
4 tablespoons homemade chicken or vegetable stock
- Place chicken in a saucepan with a small amount of water, enough to almost cover the
chicken. Cook over medium heat until completely cooked through, about 10 minutes.
- Cut into small pieces and place in a blender.
- puree while gradually adding just enough broth or water to reach a smooth consistency.
Cabbage Patch puree

The cabbage in this recipe literally melts in your mouth it’s so tender. For a meal the
whole family can enjoy, double this recipe and serve with corned beef brisket!
1 small head cabbage, washed and chopped
6 cups low-sodium chicken stock
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
½ cup chopped yellow onion
- Add all ingredients to a large pot. Bring to a boil.
- Simmer for 1 hour over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally.
- Transfer cabbage to blender using a slotted spoon. puree to a smooth consistency.
Chicken-Parsnip puree
The earthy flavor of parsnips pairs well with the chicken in this recipe. Add a little spice
such as ginger or nutmeg for more flavor.
1 medium-sized parsnip
1 cooked boneless skinless chicken breast
3 tablespoons water
- Peel and dice parsnip.
- Bring 1 cup water to a boil and cook parsnip until tender, about 15 minutes.
- Cut cooked chicken into small pieces.
- Combine chicken and parsnip.
- puree in a blender while gradually adding just enough water to achieve a semi-smooth consistency. Freeze remaining portions.
Heavenly Ham puree

Use some of that heavenly ham from your holiday meal to make a puree. It’s already
cooked, so there’s not much work involved! This puree goes great with mashed potatoes
and even mashed corn muffins!
½ cup cooked ham
3 tablespoons water
- Chop precooked ham into small pieces.
- Transfer to blender.
- puree while gradually adding just enough water to reach a smooth consistency.
Pilgrims Feast Turkish puree
Use the leftover turkey from your holiday feast to whip up a nice turkey puree for the baby. It’s
okay to puree even if the turkey is seasoned with mild spices or herbs. However, be careful
of added salt.
½ cup cooked, unseasoned skinless turkey meat
3 tablespoons water
- Chop turkey into small pieces. Place in a blender.
- puree while gradually adding just enough water to reach a smooth consistency.
Easy Baby Food Recipes Autumn’s Harvest puree

Take advantage of all the beta-carotene in this creamy and healthy dish. Use previously
frozen purees to whip this up. Add spices like cinnamon and nutmeg for more robust
2 tablespoons Enchanting Apple
2 tablespoons Pumpkin Patch puree
2 tablespoons Simply Sweet Potato
Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Serve warm or cold.
Sweet Potato–Chicken Bake puree

If you already have previously frozen sweet potato or chicken puree, you’ll save time by
simply reheating and combining the two.
1 small sweet potato, skinned and cubed
1 small boneless skinless chicken breast (about 6 ounces)
- Preheat oven to 350ºF.
- Add sweet potato and chicken to a shallow dish. Bake for 20 minutes or until the chicken
is cooked thoroughly. It’s okay if the sweet potato continues to bake.
- After both chicken and potato have cooled, combine in a food processor or blender.
Pulse until consistency is semi-smooth.
- Serve warm.
“Real” Rice with Pear puree

Celebrate baby’s graduation from ground rice or boxed infant cereal with this heart-healthy puree.
½ ripe pear
½ cup water
¼ cup brown rice
- Remove skin and core from the pear, and chop into small pieces. Pour the water into a
small saucepan. Bring to a rolling boil.
- Add the rice and pears; then reduce to a simmer. Cook for 25–30 minutes or until all
liquid is absorbed.
- puree to reach a semi smooth consistency. Thin with water if desired.
Easy Baby Food Recipes : Organic baby Puree (Ten to Twelve Months)
Mild Chicken and Coconut Curry puree

Add a little color of green to this recipe with a sprig of parsley or broccoli florets for a
beautiful presentation.
1 tablespoon mild red curry paste
1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
½ boneless skinless chicken breast (about 4 ounces), diced
1 small white potato, diced
½ cup coconut milk
1 cup chicken stock or water
- Cook the curry paste and oil in a medium saucepan for 2–3 minutes, watching
carefully to make sure it doesn’t burn.
- Add chicken to curry and brown the chicken for 3–4 minutes.
- Add potato, coconut milk, and chicken stock to the saucepan.
- Simmer for 25–30 minutes, or until the potato and chicken are cooked through. Stir
occasionally to prevent sticking.
- Allow to cool; then fork-mash before serving